Sunday, January 26, 2014

Pants II

Andrew just went to his dresser to fetch his own pants.  Then with minimal help from me, he laid them out on the floor and put them on by himself.

I'm having a "he'll eventually be able to go to college" moment.

(Of course, the reason he needed to go fetch new pants at 4:30 in the afternoon was because he was too involved in play to bother going to the potty.  But you know.  Baby steps.)

He also performed his first Class III scramble up some awesome red rock (The Golden Pyramid) down at South Valley Park down the road here.  So he had a big day.

Incidentally, Clara made about 90% of this climb too - I just didn't feel comfortable with her on the summit pitch.  They both were incredible, and I see much rock climbing and hiking in our future.

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